Terminal Command Basics
These commands are fundamental for getting started with the terminal. While there are many other commands available, mastering these will prepare you for more advanced terminal operations.
Used to move files and folders or rename files. For example:
mv projects /c/Users/projects
This moves the "projects" folder to the user's folder.
cp -r
Used to copy files and folders. For example:
cp -r original_location new_location
Lists the contents of the current folder. Adding the "-lah" option displays more detailed information.
Displays the current directory.
Creates a new folder. For example:
mkdir Projects
Used to change directories. For example:
cd Projects
This moves you to the "Projects" directory.
cd ..
Moves to the parent directory.
cd ~
Moves to the user's home directory.
rm -r
Removes files and folders. Adding the "-r" option allows you to delete folders and all files within them. For example:
rm -r FolderName
code .
Opens the current folder in Visual Studio Code.
Used to create empty files. For example:
touch index.html
This creates a file named "index.html".
Displays the contents of a file. For example:
cat index.html
This displays the contents of the "index.html" file.
Displays a list of previously executed commands.
Clears the terminal's content.
This article was originally published on Qiita.